Equinox Meditation: Global Consciousness Shift Activation
Invitation to the September 22 Equinox Meditation: Global Consciousness Shift Activation
Link to download the MP3 for the Guided Meditation
Invitation to the Equinox Meditation on Facebook
Méditation de l’équinoxe : Activation du changement de conscience mondiale
Lien pour télécharger le MP3 pour la méditation guidée
Invitation à la Méditation de l’équinoxe sur Facebook
Despite the many challenges we face now as a civilization, a vibrant future awaits us when our global family of souls rises to the wonderful occasion these challenges represent, and we embody all the good still dormant within us all.
As explained more fully in the audio/video recording below and in the text that follows it, the goal of this Global Equinox Meditation will be to help shift our perception to that of a soul experiencing a physical journey on Earth.
This subtle inner shift in perspective will bring about greater expression of compassion, peace and understanding in ourselves, and through entrainment, in more and more people globally. Our global meditation can accelerate the growing trend of healing, already exemplified by countless acts of goodwill underway around the world.
By empowering positive feelings and the arising Unity awareness, we can light the way towards a future when our most precious and soul-resonant dreams will come true.
In the June Solstice Envisioning Meditation, we attracted into manifestation the seeds of a future vibrant planet. You will be invited during the upcoming equinox meditation to help activate a shift in how we sense Who We Are deep within, as souls living a physical experience, and explore how to better assist in co-creating an enlightened future for all Life on Earth.
Whether it is wireless technologies harming humans and wildlife, our global ecological footprint pushing the planet out of balance, or the numerous crises stemming from an unfair, exploitative economic system, all these challenges are caused and exacerbated by an inability to feel our connections with all other living beings and to understand our true spiritual nature.
Through shining from the deepest recesses of our consciousness a homing beacon of living Light for all those who are still lost in the sea of an imbalanced, reckless way of life, we can enable a shift in consciousness that will help turn doom and gloom into boon and bliss.
The power of soul consciousness to catalyze such a shift is magnified when we unify in deep meditation through common purpose and will. Science has documented and proven that when enough people experience similar thoughts or emotions, they can have a noticeable impact on how other humans feel and behave, especially more so when there is harmonized coherence
Greater care for the natural world and acceptance of differences among us are not just a result of heightened awareness and much needed efforts to mitigate societal excesses and imbalances. There is a deep undercurrent of consciousness at play in facilitating such changes.
As more and more people come to understand and feel that we are all interconnected and interdependent, this consciousness shift will permeate the living Energy that unites us all and reverberate in every one of us. Holding and radiating similar thoughts and vibrations is the key to triggering this fascinating natural phenomenon.
The journey toward global healing has already begun. We’re getting closer to a world of true compassion, peace and understanding. Consider the astounding number of non-governmental organizations currently addressing the many challenges we are facing. Exemplifying the Will of Good in action around the world, there are approximately 1.5 million NGOs operating in the United States(2), and over 10 million worldwide(3).
Eliminating poverty, reversing environmental degradation, and ending war and other forms of violence on Earth is still very much a work in progress, but we can readily celebrate the fact that we are indeed turning things around. We will build upon this sturdy foundation during the upcoming global meditation and afterwards.
It took the extremes we have witnessed these past few years to awaken us to our false sense of separation and resulting carelessness. But now we can finally break through the illusion of our powerlessness to reverse course, and each become the change this world urgently needs to survive and thrive.
We trust you will resonate with this calling to activate such a transformation and leap into the New Reality of our conscious sense of Oneness with All That Is. The souls who will join into unified common purpose during this meditation and afterwards will serve as leaven for the arising Unity awareness lighting the way towards a future when our most precious and soul-resonant dreams will come true.
Please help us make it happen by sharing this with others who may in turn resonate with such a Global Consciousness Shift Activation.
The detailed instructions and access to the audio recording of the next guided meditation will be provided soon. Stay tuned.
1. See www.global-mind.org
2. According to the US. Department of State fact sheet at
3. According to www.standardizations.org/bulletin/
Note: The exact moment of this coming equinox for your location is indicated at https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=22&month=09&year=2021&hour=19&min=21. As for the previous solstice meditation, you will need to start playing the recording for the guided meditation about 11 minutes before that moment.